• 12 Mar, 2025

20 Amazing Future Cities Currently Being Built

20 Amazing Future Cities Currently Being Built

"20 Amazing Future Cities Currently Being Built," the speaker discusses two controversial city projects currently under development. The first is China's Island City in the South China Sea, which has caused international concern due to its disputed territory status and China's plans to build a massive military facility there. The second is a proposed floating city in China, which includes underwater streets and self-sufficient farms, raising questions about sustainability and sanity in urban planning. The speaker also mentions a self-sufficient city called The Line in Saudi Arabia, which is being built as part of the city of Neom and consists of two parallel skyscrapers, each reaching over 1,600 feet high and 10 miles long, making it the longest and tallest building in the world. The speaker expresses skepticism about the feasibility and necessity of these futuristic city designs.
"20 Amazing Future Cities Currently Being Built," the speaker discusses several proposed cities with unique features and designs. One of these is the Biodiverse City in Malaysia, which aims to house 9 million people and boast eco-friendly features such as flying taxis, robot maids, and unnatural nature elements like parks and waterfalls. However, the speaker raises concerns about the sustainability of such large-scale projects, which require resources and create waste. Another city mentioned is Changdu Future City in China, which plans to make its capital car-free and create walkable zones with traditional settlement influences. Acon City in Sagal, inspired by the movie "Black Panther," is also discussed, with plans to use the latest technology, including blockchain and cryptocurrency. Despite the excitement surrounding these future cities, no work has begun on Acon City yet, and there is a lawsuit coming up. Another proposed city, Tosa City, is planned to be built in the desert between Nevada, Arizona, and Utah by billionaire Mark Lore.
The first city mentioned is the 15-minute city, where accessibility is prioritized through walking and cycling, and the design will focus on renewable energy and sustainability. Next is Woven City in Japan, a tech-heavy city being developed by Toyota, which will incorporate traditional Japanese building techniques and materials, as well as solar panels and green spaces. Egypt is building a new administrative capital in the desert, accommodating millions of people and offering new employment opportunities and housing. Liberland Metaverse is a completely virtual city in the metaverse where people can buy land using cryptocurrency and build avatar homes. Lastly, the Maldives are developing a floating city to address the challenges of climate change and rising sea levels.
A floating city proposed to address environmental concerns and sustain population growth, and Capal City in India, which aims to be a sustainable and affordable urban development. The floating city would consist of interconnected platforms designed to be environmentally sustainable and resistant to rising tides and catastrophic weather events. Capal City in India, on the other hand, is a 217-square km development along the Krishna river, envisioned to be one of the world's most sustainable cities. The project includes solar-powered buildings, cycling routes, electric vehicles, and a green spine inspired by Central Park. The Indian government acquired the land through a land pooling scheme, and the development is expected to create over 400,000 jobs. Concerns about social sustainability and preserving everyday life in a rapidly growing urban environment have been raised. Another future city mentioned is New Sentara in Indonesia, which aims to relocate up to 1.9 million people and become the first city in Indonesia to achieve 100% renewable energy adoption by 2045. However, challenges such as infrastructure development, financial commitments, and environmental repercussions need to be addressed.
"20 Amazing Future Cities Currently Being Built," the speaker discusses several proposed cities around the world, starting with Net City in China, which aims to be an interconnected space of offices, residential areas, entertainment, parks, and a waterfront, all joined by smart technology. The city aims to create a community that is active 24 hours a day and is introducing the worker drone idea. The next city is Lizal Forest City in China, which is being built in the forest and marketed as a way to combat air pollution and redefine our relationship with nature. However, the speaker expresses skepticism about the project's sustainability and potential impact on the forest ecosystem. The third city is Oceanic Busan in South Korea, a prototype of a floating city equipped to adapt to rising sea levels and house climate refugees. The speaker criticizes the project as an example of disaster capitalism and exploitation of the effects of climate change. The fourth city is King Abdullah Economic City in Saudi Arabia, which was announced in 2005 as a world-changing project but failed to attract the anticipated investments and became a relatively small city with a population of 7,000 by 2018. The fifth city is The Orbit in Ontario, Canada, which will be transformed into a suburb with a perfect opportunity for investment due to its easy rail link to downtown Toronto.
"20 Amazing Future Cities Currently Being Built," the speaker discusses three different future city projects. The first is Helsinki Bunker City in Finland, which is designed as an underground city to accommodate the entire population of Helsinki in case of nuclear war due to Finland's proximity to Russia. The second is Innovation Park in Nevada, United States, which is being developed by Jeffrey Burns, a billionaire and crypto enthusiast, into a smart city with sustainable technology, drone ports, self-driving cars, and smart streets and buildings. The third is a yet-to-be-named city in Finland, designed by a billionaire to support population growth and limit car traffic, with a focus on cutting-edge technology and sustainability, including drone ports, self-driving cars, and smart streets and buildings.